TO 11
1. Sorenson has to beat Sokola.
Redistricting combined Dave Sokola, a
Democratic senator, and Liane Sorenson, the
Republican minority whip, in a single
Hockessin-Newark seat. Although the registration
leans Democratic, the district is more hers than
his. A hold for Sorenson would leave: 7
2. Lavelle needs to take out Katz.
Greg Lavelle, the House Republican minority
leader, saw his seat disappear in redistricting.
He told his colleagues on the first day of the
2012 legislative session he would run for the
Senate against Mike Katz, a first-term
Democratic senator, in a Greenville-Brandywine
Hundred district where the registration favors
the Republicans. A pickup by Lavelle would mean:
8 Republicans
3. The Republicans have to win a new
district in Sussex County.
Sussex is the Republicans' best county, so
they are favored to win this open seat at the
beach, that is, if they do not self-destruct
because of a primary between Ernie Lopez, a
party regular, and Glen Urquhart, a tea partier.
The Democrats appear settled with Andy Staton.
This could be where the Republicans' dream of a
majority goes to die. If not, it would mean a
pickup for: 9 Republicans
4. Bunting has to retire.
George Bunting, a Democratic senator, will be
67 on Election Day. Whenever he retires, his
Sussex district is expected to go Republican,
most likely to Gerald Hocker, the House
Republican minority whip. A pickup would be:
10 Republicans
5. Venables has to retire, too.
The retirement watch is also on for Venables,
a Democratic senator who is about to celebrate
his 79th birthday. When the time comes, the
Republicans expect to see one of their own in
this Sussex seat, probably Dan Short, a
representative who used to be the mayor of
Seaford. A pickup would lead to the magic
number: 11 Republicans